Cellulite Treatments

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Baltimore, Columbia, Ellicott City and Maryland

Cellulite Subcision is a minimally invasive surgical technique that can improve the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite looks like dimpling within the skin, causing a “lumpy” texture along the contours of the thighs and buttocks. The harmless condition predominantly affects women, and around 80% of the female population exhibits some form of it. (1)  It is a common misconception that excess fat causes it; cellulite is actually caused by strong, subcutaneous bands called fibrous septae that pull down on the skin in certain locations. It can affect women’s self-esteem and their body confidence; many feel the need to cover up their bodies for fear of looking unhealthy or overweight. With subcision, surgeons can create incredible results that help women to feel feminine and beautiful once again. 

Before and After Photos

If you are looking for a cellulite solution, consider requesting a consultation at Metamorphosis Plastic Surgery near Baltimore. As a board-certified surgeon with extensive training in several areas of plastic surgery, Dr. Daniel Markmann treats cosmetic issues at their source, utilizing the latest research techniques to his advantage. To get in touch with his practice, call (410) 465-3600 or inquire online, and a staff member will walk you through the next steps. We also offer virtual consultations to accommodate out-of-town patients. 

About Cellulite 

Cellulite is a naturally-occurring, and notoriously difficult-to-treat condition that does not completely go away with diet, exercise, or weight loss. Many researchers attribute it to genetics, but there are several other factors that can worsen its appearance or contribute to the likelihood that an individual will develop it: 

  • More fatty tissue 
  • Natural skin aging 
  • A sedentary lifestyle 
  • A slow metabolism 
  • Hormonal fluctuations 
  • Thin skin 
  • Skin drooping

Cellulite in Men & Women

Although it is possible for men to develop cellulite, it is extremely rare due to the presence of higher testosterone levels. Many of the men who have the condition also have low testosterone, suggesting that there is a strong hormonal association. (2) Since women tend to have a higher body fat percentage than men- especially within the lower body- the effects of the fibrous septae can become more pronounced. Even in areas with thin layers of fat, these bands allow protrusion and dimpling. In terms of skin aging, a decline in estrogen levels can inhibit quality blood circulation, further contributing to the reduction of skin rigidity and resilience against cellulite. 

Benefits of Subcision 

Subcision is not a means of masking cellulite; it requires making minimal surgical changes to the tissues beneath to release targeted fibrous bands permanently. Subcision can also: 

  • Produce significant results after just one treatment
  • Improve skin texture, thickness, and elasticity 
  • Provide incredibly long-lasting or permanent rejuvenation of the treatment area
  • Enhance the body-sculpting effects of other procedures, like liposuction 

Aside from the cosmetic transformation you can expect with subcision, there are a variety of surgical advantages that help mitigate the risk of complications and aid in recovery: 

  • Surgeons can perform it using just local anesthesia
  • The entirety of the procedure takes about 30 min to 1 hour to complete, depending on your treatment area. 
  • There are no incisions required!   Dr Markmann performs the whole procedure with only a needle!  No Incisions and No Scars required!   
  • Patients can return to the gym in just 1 week
  • Since subcision was first developed in 1995, techniques have been improved upon immensely with the newest methods of manual, vacuum-assisted, and laser-assisted methods. (3)   Dr Markmann believes that these “high tech” new methods just add additional expense, scars and complications with no benefit over the original method.

Do Cellulite Creams Work?

Certain skin creams can help to resolve minor cellulite when applied consistently, but these effects are only temporary. Many of these creams contain caffeine that smooths out the skin through dehydration. So while these treatments can be somewhat effective, they are not conducive to your skin health. Retinol is another common product that beauty brands market as a means of cellulite correction, but this only works by thickening the skin’s outer layers

Subcision v.s. Liposuction 

Liposuction will not target the fibrous septae because the procedure only involves fat removal. Because of this, cellulite dimpling may still be present long after recovery. Cellulite may even worsen after liposuction in some cases. For this reason, Dr. Markmann can sculpt slimmer contours and apply subcision techniques to the area to reap the best results. When Subcision is performed at the same time as liposuction, he will utilize the same incisions from liposuction to insert the subcision device, eliminating the risk of further scarring. 

Candidates for Cellulite Treatment with Subcision 

Ideal candidates for cellulite subcision are in good overall health and have cellulite that bothers them.    Those with chronic conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure may only qualify if they have controlled their condition with medication. Those with severely lax skin or with significant fat deposits may not be able to attain the results they are looking for with subcision, but they may benefit from a lower body lift or a minimally invasive procedure for skin tightening, including Morpheus 8 and BodyTite. 

Personal Consultation

During your consultation, Dr. Markmann will evaluate your cellulite. He will assess your skin’s overall quality and determine how your body fat distribution, skin laxity and fibrous septations may be contributing to the condition. He may recommend liposuction if he feels that it may be a better fit for you. He will show you before and after photos of other patients who have undergone subcision to give you a more accurate visual representation of what you can expect. After this, he will ensure that you have a good understanding of the preparation, procedure, and recovery process to help you make a decision. Dr. Markmann and his team create a welcoming, non-judgmental environment in which you will be able to ask as many questions as you would like. 

If you are interested in inquiring about cellulite treatment or any other procedures mentioned on our procedure pages or in our blog, we invite you to visit our location in Baltimore or call (410) 465-3600. You can also reach out via our online form or request a virtual consultation.


Preparation for a subcision procedure is minimal since the incisions and modifications to subcutaneous tissue are also minimal. Dr. Markmann will review your list of current supplements and medications and advise you to stop taking blood thinners like aspirin and ibuprofen. Any other instructions for preparation will be based on your personal health history and reviewed during your consultation appointment. 

Cellulite Subcision Procedure 

To begin the procedure, Dr. Markmann will mark the exact locations of the most noticeable cellulite dimpling. He will then inject local anesthesia at each circled area.   After waiting about 15 minutes, he will insert a long needle under the skin. He moves this instrument around in the subcutaneous layer to find tension that indicates the presence of a fibrous band. He will release these bands one by one, allowing the fibrous bands which cause the dimpled spots to retract and the skin to immediately pop out, creating a smoother overall appearance

Recovery and Results 

Cellulite Subcision Baltimore, MD

After a subcision treatment, you can expect to resume physically strenuous activities within a week. All side effects, including bruising, tenderness, firmness, tingling, and swelling are normal reactions and will resolve within just a few weeks. Dr. Markmann will prescribe a compression garment for you to wear for at least a couple of weeks, allowing the skin to heal properly while preventing excessive swelling. The needle sticks for subcision are so tiny and insignificant that they typically fade completely within a few days. It may take a few weeks for final results to settle in, but the results are permanent.  These bands are cut and these dimples are gone forever.  However, people who get cellulite can potentially get more in the future.  

Cost of Cellulite Subcision in Baltimore 

The cost of your cellulite subcision treatment will depend on the techniques utilized, the size of your treatment area, any post-procedure medication, and any scheduled follow-up appointments with Dr. Markmann. At Metamorphosis Plastic Surgery, our philosophy is to ensure that patients get the highest-quality, safest treatments available, and the total cost estimate given at your consultation will reflect this. We also offer cost-effective financing options that will allow you to make affordable payments toward your procedure. 

To get started with cellulite treatment today, call our Baltimore location at (410) 465-3600 or use our online contact form, and we will be in touch with you shortly. We will work with you to implement a treatment plan that will leave you feeling satisfied, confident, and comfortable in your skin. 


  1. Sadick N. Treatment for cellulite. International Journal of Women’s Dermatology. 2019;5(1):68-72. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijwd.2018.09.002 
  2. Bass LS, Kaminer MS. Insights Into the Pathophysiology of Cellulite: A Review. Dermatologic Surgery. 2020;46(1):S77-S85. doi:https://doi.org/10.1097/DSS.0000000000002388 
  3. Friedmann D, Vick G, Mishra V. Cellulite: a review with a focus on subcision. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology. 2017;Volume 10:17-23. doi:https://doi.org/10.2147/ccid.s95830